Dr Eid ben Hamad AlYahya
Membre du Conseil d’administration de la Commission Royale pour AlUla
Le rapport annuel de l’exercice 2023
Commission Royale pour AlUla
Gouvernorat d’AlUla
Les habitants et les résidents du gouvernorat d’AlUla
Touristes locaux et internationaux intéressés par la visite d’AlUla
Ensemble de projets, de programmes et d’autres opérations permettant d’atteindre un objectif stratégique spécifique parmi les objectifs de la RCU.
Valeur monétaire de tous les biens et services produits à l’intérieur des frontières du Royaume au cours d’une période donnée.
Toutes les traces matérielles telles que les sites archéologiques et l’artisanat
Les pratiques, traditions, connaissances et compétences créées par un groupe particulier ou des individus non identifiés au sein d’une société spécifique, reflétant l’identité de ce groupe et constituant ainsi son patrimoine culturel.
Zone protégée désignée pour la conservation de certaines espèces animales ou végétales, ainsi que pour la préservation des éléments de l’habitat environnemental qui leur conviennent.
Jeune plante issue d’une graine et mesurant de 30 cm à 1 m de long.
L’environnement naturel dans lequel vit un organisme, y compris les forêts, les prairies, les déserts et les étendues d’eau, et qui lui fournit la nourriture, l’eau et l’abri nécessaires à sa survie, à sa croissance et à sa reproduction.
Un environnement virtuel en deux ou trois dimensions pour la communication et l’interaction, offrant aux utilisateurs des expériences immersives dans divers domaines.
Un jeune léopard
Plante semi-invasive qui vit sur les acacias, n’a pas de racines et absorbe les nutriments de la plante hôte.
Spécialiste chargé d’étudier le comportement humain et les interactions entre les individus dans la société, en utilisant des méthodologies scientifiques pour comprendre et analyser les défis sociaux et proposer des solutions.
Dans le cadre des objectifs stratégiques de la RCU visant à développer AlUla et à améliorer les activités et services connexes dans sa juridiction, à la lumière de l’importance historique et naturelle d’AlUla et de ses sites archéologiques et naturels, et à garantir la fourniture de services à la communauté locale, aux résidents et aux visiteurs au plus haut niveau, grâce à une « Vision pour AlUla » prometteuse. L’année écoulée a été marquée par des niveaux élevés d’indicateurs clés de performance. En outre, conformément à la Vision 2030 pour l’Arabie saoudite, les réalisations de la RCU répondent à certains objectifs de la stratégie nationale pour le tourisme et de la stratégie nationale pour l’environnement. La RCU a également surmonté de nombreux défis et renforcé sa réussite future grâce à des approches innovantes et à des solutions avancées pour renforcer l’impact positif futur.
(UNESCO) has officially registered "Jabal Ikmah" in its World Memory Register
The Royal Commission for AlUla was established by Royal Decree No. (A/296) dated 26 Shawwal 1438H on July 20, 2017. Its main goals are to conserve and develop AlUla, as well as to accomplish a sustainable transformation into one of Saudi Arabia’s most important archaeological, cultural, and environmental attractions. All efforts are put forth with historical relevance and at the pace of accomplishing the AlUla vision and its economic and cultural objectives in line with Saudi Vision 2030.
A key priority for RCU is to create a positive social and economic impact by supporting and empowering the local community of AlUla. Additionally, it aims to maximize the utilization of AlUla’s rich historical, heritage, environmental, natural, tourism, sports, and artistic resources. The goal is to build a prosperous and sustainable economy by actively involving the community in the development process. This endeavor will establish a lasting legacy for AlUla, positioning it as the world’s largest open museum.
AlUla has deep historical roots spanning more than 200,000 years. It is replete with human and historical
heritage and countless historical treasures. In ancient times, AlUla location was a meeting point for civilizations in the northwest of the Arabian Peninsula,embodying this description through those civilized
nations that inhabited this region and built its structuresand civilizations in a way that captivated the attention of
all those who passed through it, observers, explorers,or researchers. AlUla is one of the few areas in the world wherehistory is deeply and profoundly embodied without the interference of the present in distorting, erasing,or falsifying it. Since the first millennium BC, AlUla has been a significant route for trade caravans, and since
the emergence of Islam, it has been a major center and one of the most important sites along the Hajj route.
RCU developed an integrated strategy to achieve its lofty vision, “Vision of AlUla”, and turn it into a reality. The strategy includes a set of pillars, strategic objectives, and performance indicators, which aim to develop many economic sectors in AlUla, improve the quality of life of the local community, and contribute to achieving the objectives of Saudi Vision 2030. The three main goals for 2035 are the following
RCU strives towards developing the unique cultural and touristic components in AlUla and preserving its heritage and legacy. It also contributes to supporting creative and artistic talents, building local capacities within an effective institutional framework that achieves performance excellence and enhances service quality, thereby, achieving economic and social development in AlUla. Throughout the year 2023, RCU worked on achieving numerous accomplishments within the scope of its diverse activities and projects, which fall under various portfolios dedicated to its sectors and business units. These achievements can be summarized as follows
In 2023, RCU achieved a range of qualitative accomplishments aimed at enhancing the heritage, cultural, and civilizational aspects of AlUla, as well as its historical, archaeological, and natural sites. These efforts were geared towards creating unique experiences and services for the local community and visitors to enhance the quality of life and elevate the well-being in the region. RCU focused on improving its institutional performance and digital services, enhancing the continuity of its operations, and raising the level of governance in its technological systems. Additionally, it aimed at enhancing infrastructure and constructing facilities across various sectors. This was achieved through the implementation of various diverse projects and initiatives across its sectors, alongside fostering local and international partnerships to strengthen its presence locally and globally. Through these efforts, RCU has achieved the following:
As part of its responsibilities, RCU maintained its commitment to promote the environmental sustainability principles and objectives in AlUla. This commitment is in recognition of sustainable practices significance and aims to foster a more sustainable future.
In the context of RCU’s continuous concern and aspirations for a promising future for AlUla’s prosperity, and in line with its strategic goals and Saudi Vision 2030، RCU has worked to identify its future opportunities and the expected impacts, based on its business sectors.
RCU adopts a governance model that enables it to perform its supervisory, regulatory, and executive duties to achieve its objectives, strategies, and mandated roles stipulated in its regulation. This is accomplished through adopting and enhancing the best practices in public sector governance, activating internal control roles, and continuously assessing the institutional maturity level of RCU at all levels and dimensions.
RCU’s Board of Directors devotes complete attention to carrying out its tasks and responsibilities in accordance with RCU’s regulation. It exercises its role in overseeing the governance framework of RCU and its subsidiaries, determining its strategic direction, ensuring compliance with relevant laws and regulations, and providing necessary support to the executive management. This is achieved through leveraging the expertise of the Board and committees members.
RCU has established a number of subsidiary companies to serve as operational and investment arms, contributing to the development of its strategy and achieving its goals in the best interest of AlUla. These companies include AlUla Peregrina Trading, Arabian Leopard Fund, AlUla Sports Club, in addition to the Museum of Visual and Contemporary Arts. Details of each can be reviewed as follows
RCU prepared the annual report to meet the requirements of the Council of Ministers’ Law. In its preparation, RCU adhered to a detailed methodology to ensure the fulfillment of the specified standards. Coordination among all sectors and departments within RCU was facilitated by the Organizational Excellence Department, and with the support of senior management.
Within this report, RCU highlighted its most notable achievements during 2023, aiming to develop and enhance the targeted sectors in AlUla, in alignment with the objectives of Saudi Vision 2030.
In addition to showing the challenges RCU has faced, and the proposed solutions to overcome obstacles and enhance workflow, RCU outlined its aspirations for the prosperity of AlUla by aligning with the stages of implementing its strategy. This strategy aims to build a luxurious identity for AlUla, unleash its competitive advantages, develop its capabilities, and enhance its capacity.
The strategy plan for the year 2024 is anchored on clear priorities within its seven strategic pillars, ensuring focused business trajectory and attainment of objectives. This includes enhancing the tourism assets of AlUla, developing its offerings, and increasing visitor numbers. Additionally, it aims at activating the cultural heritage of AlUla and enhancing its global presence. RCU also seeks to preserve the environmental systems and biodiversity while empowering the local community to ensure prosperity and economic development. Furthermore, RCU focuses on developing major plans for AlUla and achieving urban and architectural transformation, in addition to RCU’s commitment to enhancing safety, infrastructure development, and improving the quality of life in AlUla.
Finally, ensuring operational efficiency, talent management, and achieving excellence globally; which will be realized through the concerted efforts of the national workforce and international expertise within RCU, where their endeavor involves implementing a precise and sustainable plan that considers the cultural, economic, and heritage development in AlUla, all under the generous and continuous support of the wise leadership.